Benefits of Ionized alkaline water
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Benefits of Ionized alkaline water

There are four main benefits of Ionized Alkaline Water:

1. First and foremost-Powerful Antioxidant

  • Negatively charged hydroxyl ions (OH-) found in abundance in ionized water, act as natural antioxidants and donate electrons, neutralizing harmful free radicals.
  • People spend thousands of rupees purchasing antioxidant supplements for anti-disease, anti-aging, anti-cancer.
  • Since ionized water is a liquid antioxidant, it is easily absorbed into the body which makes it much more effective and a potent antioxidant.

2. Secondly Gives Energy and Mental Clarity

  • Ionized antioxidant, in the form of Hydroxyl Ions (oxygen molecule with an extra electron), donates it’s extra electrons to free radicals (oxygen molecule that is missing one electron), you are left with lots of extra oxygen.
  • Ionized water gives you energy and mental clarity by providing your body with lots of oxygen. This is one of the most incredible aspects of ionized water.
  • Furthermore, In 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg, won the Nobel Prize for his work showing that cancer cannot live in the presence of abundant oxygen.

3. Thirdly Ionized Water Restores the pH Balance in the Body

  • Ionized water can neutralize the acidity of the body caused by stress, modern diet, air pollution and many bottled waters.
  • Our diet is often extremely acidic. Meat, fish, soft drinks, fast foods and processed foods deposit acid waste in our bodies that builds up over time and creates environment for diseases.
  • Most of us are dehydrated, which causes our acidic wastes left over from our daily metabolic processes to accumulate, compounding the over acidity. Maintaining an alkaline pH helps us to maintain an environment in our bodies that is NOT conducive to disease.
  • A high pH in the body reduces the need for fat and cholesterol to protect the body from damaging acids.

4. Fourth Provides Superior Hydration and Nutrition at the Cellular Level

  • Ionization breaks clusters of water molecules into smaller micro-clusters, reducing the size of the clusters from the 10-13 molecules in normal water to just 5-6 molecules in ionized water. Smaller clusters pass through cell walls more easily and hydrate the cells more quickly.
  • Faster hydration allows the body to regulate its temperature more efficiently.
  • Micro-clusters of mineral bearing ionized water also deliver nutrients more efficiently to the cells.

Now, let's have a look at the numerous diseases and how Ionized Water can help in it.

  • Improves body function by cleaning your cells from the inside out

    (Due to their smaller size, micro-clusters of ionized water molecules are expelled from the cells more efficiently, carrying damaging toxins out of the cells and flushing them out of the system.)
  • Improves the body’s absorption of essential nutrients.

    (Water is known to carry the essential nutrients to the cells of our body. Due to their smaller size, ionized water molecules are able to carry essential nutrients easily into the cells as compared to normal drinking water. The body can absorb ionized minerals much more efficiently and can therefore make use of them where they are needed throughout the body. Minerals are some of the most important nutrients the body needed.)
  • Weight Loss

    (“You Are Not Over-Weight, You Are Over-Acid!” Dr. Robert O. Young The truth is...fat is saving our life! In a healthy alkaline body, acidic waste is flushed from the system as it accumulates. If the acid isn’t removed fast enough, it builds up and forces the body to protect itself in different ways. The most obvious being the production of FAT. Our bodies are literally swimming in toxic acid waste. The body either utilizes fat cells or uses fat from the food we eat to capture those toxins and store them away from our vital organs. So that persistent and annoying fat on our hips and thighs and around our bellies is actually part of a larger survival mechanism! Quite simply, the more acidic your lifestyle becomes, the more fat must be utilized to keep you alive. So what should you do? !!! Drink Ionized Water !!!)
  • Detoxifying

    (Ionized water helps eliminate mucus build-up on the colon walls, thus improving the body’s ability to absorb important nutrients.)
  • Anti Aging

    (Aging is the result of time on the human body. The primary causes of aging are free radicals, inflammation, glycation, and stress. They are mostly unavoidable. So, if we can’t avoid them, we have to beat them. For that, you need antioxidants. Applying ionized water to wrinkles is scientifically proven to diminish them. Not only does ionized water turn wrinkles around, it actually suppresses existing UV damage – a major factor in aging skin. Inside out – Drinking ionized alkaline water which is known for its anti-oxidant properties helps to slower the process of aging.)
  • Anti Bacterial

    (Silver is known for its anti-bacterial properties for ages. Silver a natural mineral can super-charge your immune system and help you stay healthy. Research has shown that consuming silver daily is both safe and effective for boosting and maintaining a healthy immune system. Silver has the amazing ability to fight and destroy antibiotic resistant super-pathogens. While employed at UCLA Medical School in the 1980s, Larry C. Ford, MD, documented that silver can actually kill over 650 bacteria, parasites, molds and fungi that have the potential to sprout diseases. At the same time the tests established that silver has no known side effects.)
  • Boosts Metabolism

    (Your body needs water to burn fuel. If you become dehydrated, your brain will begin reducing water levels in some parts of your body to ensure that it gets enough water for itself. The first parts of your body to lose water are your skin and muscles, followed by your organs. Alkaline water has been shown in multiple studies to hydrate better than regular water. Better hydration improves metabolism.)
  • -Improved Energy

    (Negatively charged hydroxyl ions contribute to increased energy, mental clarity, and overall alertness)
  • Improves Skin Health

    (The ultimate solution to skin problems is indeed the ultimate solution i.e. water.

    There are two major causes of skin problems:

    Lack of proper hydration: The skin is an organ and like any other part of the body, is made up of cells. Cells are made up of water, and that is why dehydration has adverse effects on the skin. The effect of acidic content: Yet lack of proper hydration isn’t the only thing affecting your skin-health. The excess acid and toxins produced thereby, which aren’t sufficiently flushed out by the liver, try finding their way out through the skin. This process of eliminating acidity from the body takes place in the form of various skin diseases such as acne and skin allergies. Hence, ionized water contributes to Elasticity, rejuvenation of skin tissues, healthy, firm, supple and glowing skin.)
  • Improved Energy

    (Keeping our bodies in a more alkaline state will boost the immune system. Ionized water eliminates toxins and free radicals improving your body’s immune system. The benefits of ionized water are vital in long-term health.)
  • Maintain Sugar Level

    (In a healthy-alkaline body, special cells in the pancreas (called b-cells) produce insulin, which is used to bring sugar from the blood into hungry living cells. A healthy balance of sugar and insulin must be maintained in the blood at all times. Having too much of either for too long can lead to diabetes.
    Diabetes is believed to be caused by insufficient secretions of insulin from beta cells in the pancreas. In modern medical science, an active enzyme called a free radical is said to be involved in insufficient secretions of insulin. Ionized water releases free radicals out of the body.)
  • Fatigue

    (Ionized water with a high pH helps neutralize excess acid in the body, a condition called acidosis. Acidosis causes a host of health problems, the most common being constant tiredness and lack of energy. The toxins produced in an acidic body reduce the absorption of protein, minerals and other minerals which in turn weakens the body’s ability to produce enzymes and hormones and the hundreds of other chemicals components necessary for cell energy and organ activity. This also interferes with the reconstruction of cells and other necessary components of energy production. The result is fatigue, poor endurance, an inability to add muscle tone and general weakness.)
  • Heartburn

    (Acid reflux, also known as acid indigestion or heartburn, is a common health condition characterized by burning pain in the lower chest area of the body. It occurs because of many factors such a stomach abnormalities, pregnancy, eating large meals, lying down right after a large meal, eating acid reflux-triggering foods. Ionized water is one acid reflux remedy that can help manage the condition’s symptoms. Its high pH diffuses the stomach’s acidity to maintain pH balance. To better reap the benefits of alkaline water for acid reflux, it’s best to drink it 30 minutes before and after meals. This is so to allow the stomach acid to perform its function of breaking down ingested food.)
  • Nausea

    (Ionized water helps your body balance its natural pH level during pregnancy. As the pregnant body tends to be more acidic than non-pregnant body, it helps to reduce morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy. During the first few months of pregnancy, the body gives alkaline minerals to placenta in order to neutralize the acidic discharges from fetus. It is known that acidity alleviates morning sickness in pregnant women. So, while drinking alkaline water, we can immediately find the difference, as the morning sickness reduces.
  • Pregnancy - Benefits to The Mama and The Baby

    (It is found that drinking ionized alkaline water helps in smoother deliveries. With the use of ionized water, the likelihood of jaundice in baby as well as the mother can be reduced. Ionized water also helps increase lactation in mothers. Alkaline water has natural calcium in it which helps the pregnant women have healthy bones and also reduces calcium loss while also helping the baby have healthy teeth and bones. Drinking alkaline water helps the new moms recover fast after delivery. It helps to rehydrate your body which can fight against headaches, nausea, vomiting and many other pregnancy effects.)
  • Lowers Risk of Gestational Diabetes

  • Indigestion

    (Ionized water is very healthy for the gastrointestinal tract and this fact has been proven many times over by Dr. Shinya (the inventor of the colonoscopy) and others who have done extensive testing of ionized water with their patients.
    In Japan water ionizers have been considered medical devices for over a dozen years. Recently, after years of testing, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (Association of Alkaline Ionized Water Apparatus 2010) made a statement that water ionizers are used for:
    “generation of alkaline electrolytic water for drinking to improve gastrointestinal problems”.)
  • Helps Fight Cancer

    (In simple terms, cancer cells do not live in an environment with a neutral pH level. Cancer thrives in an acidic environment. The alkaline balance of the body is important to prevent the growth of malignant cells. Everything a person eats contributes to the acidity levels of the body. Ionized alkaline water is useful because it keeps the acid in the body neutral.
    IIonized alkaline water is also effective in preventing the growth of cancer cells. Therefore, even the healthiest persons should drink alkaline water as a preventive measure before anything potentially malignant develops.)
    “generation of alkaline electrolytic water for drinking to improve gastrointestinal problems”.)
  • Lowers Cholesterol and Heart Disease

    (Our blood must stay within a narrow range of pH in order to function correctly and carry oxygen. In order to do this, our blood takes liquid acids and changes them into un-dissolved solid forms: cholesterol and crystallized uric acid.
    Cholesterol is used to line the walls of your blood vessels to protect them from structural damage caused by strong acids in the blood. These acids are the result of a typical acidic diet. Overtime, the protective cholesterol begins to build up excessively and clogs the arteries. This leads to high blood pressure and an overstrained heart. Furthermore, the crystallized uric acid leads to gout.
    Heart disease is the result of a build-up of cholesterol in the coronary arteries that reduces the blood flow to the heart muscle.)
  • Improves Renal Function

    (Ionized water can be good for your kidneys because it raises urine pH, which lowers the acid load that your kidneys must process and expel. If you are young, and in perfect health, your kidneys probably don’t need a lot of help. But after age 30, your kidney function starts to decline, and if you have a problem losing weight, your kidneys may be overburdened by chronic metabolic acidosis: A temporary condition where your blood pH drops below safe levels. In this case, ionized water could be a good choice for reducing the acid burden on your kidneys.
    Studies out of Japan show that by adding small amounts of ionized alkaline water to the diet, there is less uric acid and urea in the blood for the kidneys to filter.)
  • Strengthens Bones

    (Most people who suffer from unbalanced pH are acidic. This condition forces the body to borrow minerals – including calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium – from vital organs and bones to neutralize the acid and safely remove it from the body. Because of this strain, the body can suffer severe and prolonged damage due to high acidity – a condition that may go undetected for years.
    A recent seven year study conducted at the University of California, San Francisco, on 9,000 women showed that those who have chronic acidosis are at greater risk for bone loss than those who have normal pH levels. The study showed that risk of hip fractures declined as the magnesium content in their water increased.)
  • Colon Cleanse

    (Today’s lifestyle and diet includes processed foods, red meat, soda, coffee and sugar. This overly acidic diet, in addition to polluted air, toxic water and stress, has a harmful affect on the colon. An unhealthy digestive system impacted with mucus, toxins, and impacted waste can trigger a host of health issues such as:
    • Body Odour
    • Parasites
    • Weight Problems
    • Foul Breath
    • Backaches
    • Lack of Energy
    • Bloating
    • Mood Swings
    • Constipation
    • Weak Immune System
    Dr. Hiromi Shinya, M.D. developer of Colonoscopy also states in one of his books, the benefits of alkaline water and how it helps treat colon diseases.)

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